Part Two: Foods That Can Fight Breast Cancer!

We all know to stay away from cigarettes to prevent lung cancer and to stay away from the sun to prevent skin cancer. However, there are many ways to help prevent breast cancer through your diet. Foods full of antioxidants and if they are considered to be superfoods can really help fight diseases like breast cancer. We know it’s important to get yearly mammograms, but eating a really healthy diet can be the key to breast cancer prevention.

“New studies have found that eating a plant-based diet, low alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy body weight significantly reduces the risk for breast cancer,” Sarah Mirkin, RD a registered dietician and nutritionist tells Bustle over email. “Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals which protect the body from cancer growth. These foods are also anti-inflammatory, which reduces cancer risk.” *

Try adding these foods to help keep you strong, healthy, and it will help prevent breast cancer.

  1. Garlic-. “Garlic’s active ingredients allicin and the enzyme allinase have strong antioxidant properties,” says Mirkin.
  2. Turmeric-“Turmeric has anti inflammatory properties and its active ingredient curcumin inhibits breast cancer growth,” says Mirkin.
  3. Walnuts-“Walnuts contain disease-fighting omega-3 fatty acids as well as phytosterols that have been shown to prevent breast cancer and stop tumor growth,” says Mirkin.
  4. Olive Oil-This pol has a great source of antioxidants and phytonutrients.
  5. Green Tea-“Green tea contains compounds called catechins that may stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent cellular mutation that contribute to cancer growth,” says Mirkin.

*Quotes from

Posted in Food.