The Bridge Breast Network

Season's Greeting!!
This year, more than ever, we have been reminded of the importance of the health and wellness of our family and friends. As we look forward to celebrating 2025 and give thanks for the bounty of blessings we are fortunate to receive, the Bridge Breast Network is reaching out to you so that we can continue to provide services to our clients. Since its inception in 1992, the BBN has been a bridge of hope for over 250,000 North Texas individuals. The premise that no woman (man) should suffer in silence with breast cancer because she/he lacks the financial resources still remains the foundation of our program. Help us to continue to be a bridge that provides light, spreads love, gives peace and touches the lives of North Texas families for years to come.
The Board of Directors, staff and clients of Bridge Breast Network thank you for your continued support and generosity and wish you a Happy Holiday Season.

The Latest
Mammograms and Breast Cancer
The American Cancer Society issued new guidelines for breast cancer screenings. It suggest’s that women should have mammograms starting at the age of 45. While others believe you should start at the age of 40, and even possibly earlier for those at high risk. Mammograms have helped reduced deaths caused from breast cancer in the […]
How to reduce your risk of breast cancer!
Today, we are going to talk about there are some steps you can take toward breast cancer prevention. We all know everyone is born with genetics they cannot change, but here are some lifestyle changes you can take to help lower your risk. Here are some things you can do to help reduce your risk […]
Bra Buying Tips Every Breast Cancer Patient Should Know!
Today, we are discussing one thing and it’s what kind of bra you should buy whenever you are suffering from breast cancer! We know shopping for a bra can be extremely tedious and scary. Those of you who have breast implants then remember it can be encourage to wear a wireless bra. We do realize finding […]
5 tips for Coping With Cancer!
We are giving a variety of tips on how you can cope with cancer once you’ve diagnosed. Learn about your disease: Everyone is going to have a unique journey and you could have a different experience from someone else. It’s very important to research about YOUR diagnosis and ask your doctor about your treatment process. […]
How To Cope With Hair Loss!
We know hair loss is one of the many side affects people suffer from breast cancer. Sadly, hair loss is a visible side affect so it can be one of the hardest side affects to deal with! Your hair is a big part of your self image and femininity, so losing it can affect your […]
Support Groups & Cancer!
Getting the news of being diagnosed with breast cancer can be one of the hardest moments in your life. Sometimes, we even see patients find that news harder than the actual treatment process. We know and can say that attitude is the little thing that can make a big difference. However, no one said you […]