The Bridge Breast Network

Season's Greeting!!
This year, more than ever, we have been reminded of the importance of the health and wellness of our family and friends. As we look forward to celebrating 2025 and give thanks for the bounty of blessings we are fortunate to receive, the Bridge Breast Network is reaching out to you so that we can continue to provide services to our clients. Since its inception in 1992, the BBN has been a bridge of hope for over 250,000 North Texas individuals. The premise that no woman (man) should suffer in silence with breast cancer because she/he lacks the financial resources still remains the foundation of our program. Help us to continue to be a bridge that provides light, spreads love, gives peace and touches the lives of North Texas families for years to come.
The Board of Directors, staff and clients of Bridge Breast Network thank you for your continued support and generosity and wish you a Happy Holiday Season.

The Latest
Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Breast Cancer
If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you may consider exploring different treatment methods to supplement traditional medical treatments. Conventional treatments for breast cancer include: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are terms used to describe various products, practices, and systems that are not considered mainstream […]
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
A diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) means that the three most common types of receptors known to fuel most breast cancer growth–estrogen, progesterone, and the hormone epiderm al growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2) gene– are not present in the tumor. Since these receptors are not present, common treatments like hormone therapy and drugs […]
Alcohol’s Role in Increasing Breast Cancer Risk
Women are often unaware of alcohol’s role in increasing breast cancer risk. A study published in the online journal BMJ Open found that only one in five women attending a breast cancer clinic knew it was a risk factor. More than 100 observation studies have researched the association between alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk […]
Male Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is most commonly thought of as a disease that affects women, however, men are born with a small amount of breast tissue and therefore can also develop breast cancer. Male breast cancer is rare, as only 1% of men in the United States are diagnosed with the disease. The most common sign of […]
Dispute Between BBN and Event Space for Gala
That’s 5 women who need surgery that we’ll have to say no to’: Dispute between breast cancer nonprofit, event space fueled by canceled gala deposit ”The initial deposit for both the venue and the catering ― $13,000 — translates into $130,000 in medical care… That’s enough for five surgeries for breast cancer”. Link To Dallas […]
Breast Self-Examination
Breast self-examination is a screening method used to detect early signs of breast cancer. Studies show that forty percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer detected a lump while performing a self-examination. Self-exams are a convenient, no-cost tool that can be incorporated into daily activities, such as bathing or dressing. Adult women of all ages […]